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Affordable, Confidential
Reproductive Health Services


Different methods of birth control, including long-acting reversible contraception, and emergency contraception are available at our Adult Medicine location at 144 Genesee St. EHMC offers a variety of options. Parental consent is not required for minors. 

STD Testing and Treatment

Confidential testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is available for everyone. Those who wish to be tested or treated for STIs may make an appointment. This service is sponsored by the Cayuga County Health Department. 

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PrEP Prescription

PrEP is a preventative strategy that helps reduce the risk of becoming infected with HIV. For individuals at risk for contracting HIV, PrEP is highly effective against the spread of HIV through sexual activity or injection drug use when taken daily.

Sexual Health Education

A community resource for complete up-to-date information on preventative health and family life education, including reproduction, adolescent pregnancy, puberty, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted  infections, contraception and much more.

Link to Primary Care

If you are in need of a primary doctor, EHMC is accepting new patients. For a complete list of our Adult Medicine services, click here.


East Hill Medical Center offers counseling for pregnancy options, STI/HIV counseling and behavioral health counseling. Call us today for more information.

Other Services

Additional EHMC services include pelvic exams, breast exams, pap smears, pregnancy testing, routine well-woman visits and HPV vaccinations. For additional information, call us at 315.253.8477.

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